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Digital Ocean FreeBSD

2015-01-26 @ bsd, digitalocean, freebsd, openbsd, zitat

Kommentar eines Users zum Launch von FreeBSD bei DigitalOcean. Einfach nur w0rd.

Should have gone with OpenBSD instead to be honest. Half the requests on your UserVoice are for OpenBSD. All the coolest stuff in FreeBSD comes from OpenBSD.

OpenBSD – the world’s simplest and most secure Unix-like OS. Creator of the world’s most used SSH implementation OpenSSH, the world’s most elegant firewall PF, the world’s most elegant mail server OpenSMTPD, the OpenSSL rewrite LibreSSL, and the NTP rewrite OpenNTPD. OpenBSD – the cleanest kernel, the cleanest userland, the cleanest configuration syntax and some of the world’s best documentation.

FreeBSD, on the other hand, is becoming more of a testbed for experimental, some would even say unnecessary technologies: … It’s also having a hard time catching up to OpenBSD:

Ziemlich interessante Diskussion in der Kommentarsektion. Weiterlesen lohnt.

Trotz allem, gute Sache. Mehr Provider sollten mal *BSD VMs anbieten. Wegen mangelnder Location in .de wirds wohl aber erstmal rootbsd.

Comments (1)

nik22 on 2015-01-26T22:05:19.477121
Da kommst du aber mit einem Rootserver von kimsufi oder deutlich günstiger weg.